IT之家讯 10月19日消息,小米董事长兼CEO雷军今天发表了一封内部信,表示10月份以来,小米手机在印度的销量破了一项纪录。在国内智能手机市场已经饱和的情况下,小米等国产手机厂商逐渐拓展海外市场,其中印度市场就是主要阵地之一,目前来看,这一策略似乎初见成效。
Dear Xiaomi Friends,
Yesterday we set an incredible record in India by selling more than 1 million smartphones within 18 days. On behalf of Xiaomi’s management, I’d like to congratulate the entire Mi India team for this outstanding performance.
A big round of thanks to Manu and Hugo for their outstanding leadership, to everyone at Mi India for their dedication, and to the business teams in China for their support. I am extremely proud of each one of you! I would also like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all our partners in India, especially Flipkart, Amazon and Snapdeal, for their support.
And very importantly, I wish to thank every Indian Mi fan for the love they have shown to Xiaomi, which is the driving force behind our success.
India is an extremely important market in Xiaomi’s globalization strategy. It has become our largest market outside of mainland China. In the past two years, we have witnessed several exciting milestones in India:
August 2015: We became the first smartphone brand to participate in Prime Minister Modi’s ‘Make in India’ initiative.
July to August 2016: As per IDC, we became the #1 online smartphone brand in the country.
September 2016: As per IDC, we became the third-largest smartphone vendor within India’s Top 30 cities with 8.4% market share.
September 2016: Redmi Note 3 became the best-selling device in the online market with over 2.3 million devices sold in 6 months.
When we entered India, there was extremely fierce competition. We have achieved such extraordinary growth in India firstly because of our vision to bring innovation to everyone with our high-quality products at incredible prices. Secondly, we have an amazing team in India. We will continue investing in India to deliver the best products to our Mi fans — expanding our supply, ensuring the high quality of our products, and further improving our after-sales service.
The core of the Xiaomi model is creating high-quality products, making friends with our users, and operating our business extremely efficiently. This model has been proven in China. I believe that the Xiaomi model will resonate across the world, starting with India.
I am confident that with the sustained efforts of our entire Xiaomi family, we will be able to capture the largest market share in India within 3-5 years! Mi India, let’s make history together!
Thank you!
Lei Jun
On 19 Oct., 2016
感谢 Hugo 和 Manu 的卓越领导,还有小米印度团队所有同事的杰出贡献,感谢各个中国业务团队的鼎力支持,我深深地为每位同事感到骄傲。同时,我要感谢印度的每一位合作伙伴,尤其是Flipkart,Amazon 和 Snapdeal。
- 2015年8月,我们成为加入莫迪总理“印度制造”计划的首家中国智能手机厂商。
- 2016年7月和8月,IDC报告显示,小米连续两个月都是印度电商第一大智能手机品牌。
- 2016年9月,IDC报告显示,在印度前三十大城市,小米跃升为印度第三大智能手机厂商,占到8.4%的市场份额。
- 2016年9月,红米Note 3在6个月内销售了230万台,成为印度线上市场最畅销的机型。