谷歌最强 AI 视频生成模型 Veo 2 登场:最高 4K 分辨率,提高对现实世界理解

2024-12-17 09:45IT之家 - 故渊

IT之家 12 月 17 日消息,谷歌公司今天(12 月 17 日)发布公告,正式发布了视频生成模型 Veo 2,官方声称新模型可以更好地理解现实世界物理、人类运动及表达的细微差别,进一步提升整体细节和逼真度。

谷歌 Veo 2 模型可以生成分辨率最高 4K(4096 x 2160 像素),时长为 2 分钟的视频片段,相比较 OpenAI 的 Sora 模型,分辨率是后者的 4 倍,时长是后者的 6 倍。

不过目前在 Google 的实验性视频创建工具 VideoFX 中,Veo 2 模型分辨率上限为 720p,长度为 8 秒。

DeepMind 产品副总裁 Eli Collins 表示:“在接下来的几个月里,我们将根据用户的反馈继续进行迭代。”

与 Veo 一样,Veo 2 可以在给定文本提示或文本和参考图像的情况下生成视频,还可以更真实地模拟运动、流体动力学和光的属性。据 DeepMind 称,这包括不同的镜头和电影效果,以及“细致入微”的人类表达。

Deepmind 表示,为了降低 Deepfake 的风险,利用专有的水印技术 SynthID,它将隐形标记嵌入到 Veo 2 生成的帧中。

实例 1:


The camera floats gently through rows of pastel-painted wooden beehives,  buzzing honeybees gliding in and out of frame. The motion settles on  the refined farmer standing at the center, his pristine white beekeeping  suit gleaming in the golden afternoon light. He lifts a jar of honey,  tilting it slightly to catch the light. Behind him, tall sunflowers sway  rhythmically in the breeze, their petals glowing in the warm sunlight.  The camera tilts upward to reveal a retro farmhouse with mint-green  shutters, its walls dappled with shadows from swaying trees. Shot with a  35mm lens on Kodak Portra 400 film, the golden light creates rich  textures on the farmer’s gloves, marmalade jar, and weathered wood of  the beehives.

摄像机轻轻地穿过一排排粉彩涂漆的木制蜂箱,嗡嗡作响的蜜蜂在镜头中滑进滑出。镜头落在站在中央的优雅农夫身上,他洁白的养蜂服在金色的下午阳光下闪闪发光。他举起一罐蜂蜜,微微倾斜以捕捉光线。在他身后,高大的向日葵在微风中有节奏地摇摆,它们的花瓣在温暖的阳光下闪闪发亮。摄像机上移,显露出一个带有薄荷绿色百叶窗的复古农舍,墙壁上带有摇曳树木投下的斑驳阴影。使用  35mm 镜头和柯达 Portra 400 胶片拍摄,金色的光线在农夫的手套、橘子果酱罐和蜂箱的风化木材上创造出丰富的质感。

实例 2:


This medium shot, with a shallow depth of field, portrays a cute cartoon  girl with wavy brown hair, sitting upright in a 1980s kitchen. Her hair  is medium length and wavy. She has a small, slightly upturned nose, and  small, rounded ears. She is very animated and excited as she talks to  the camera.

这张中景照片,具有浅景深,描绘了一位可爱的卡通女孩,留着波浪状的棕色头发,端坐在 1980 年代的厨房里。她的头发是中等长度和波浪状的。她有一个小而稍稍翘起的鼻子,小而圆的耳朵。她非常活泼和兴奋地对着摄影机说话。

实例 3:


A low-angle shot captures a flock of pink flamingos gracefully wading in  a lush, tranquil lagoon. The vibrant pink of their plumage contrasts  beautifully with the verdant green of the surrounding vegetation and the  crystal-clear turquoise water. Sunlight glints off the water’s surface,  creating shimmering reflections that dance on the flamingos’ feathers.  The birds’ elegant, curved necks are submerged as they walk through the  shallow water, their movements creating gentle ripples that spread  across the lagoon. The composition emphasizes the serenity and natural  beauty of the scene, highlighting the delicate balance of the ecosystem  and the inherent grace of these magnificent birds. The soft, diffused  light of early morning bathes the entire scene in a warm, ethereal glow.




